The tradition of suicide instead of defeat and perceived shame was deeply entrenched in the Japanese military culture. For instance, it was one of the main traditions in the Samurai life and the Bushido code, particularly loyalty and honor unto death.
What a week to be playing Tokyo. The Kamikazes come into this game winless on the season and they have to be dangerously close to choosing death over shame at this point. Tokyo is one of only two teams to defeat the Clients in the regular season last year, but things have gone from bad to worse for them through the first 1/3 of the season. Coming off a 56 point effort, Tokyo is averaging a mere 60PPG. New York has to be careful not to look past Tokyo this week. Client's owner Orlando Hampton said, "Tokyo is always a dangerous team and we have to pay full attention to them, plus it is important that we stay healthy since we have a big game with Honolulu next week, then we have two undefeated teams back to back in Sewickley and Jersey. I have been surprised at how strong Sewickley has looked this season and Jersey is the "it" team. We are looking forward to matching our talent against those teams, but this week our full focus is on whats their names....."
Even though the owner doesn't appear to be focused the front office is very concerned with Tokyo's mindset coming into the game. Because of the proximity of Newark International Airport to Client's Field, New York has successfully petitioned the FAA corporate offices to install anit-aircraft weapons on the stadium roof. In addition the Kamikazes will be busing it to Philly rather than flying directly out of Newark post game. Said Client's Team President Money O, "These dudes will flip out when they lose again. They would rather die than be shamed!! Nigga you is trippin!!!"
Oh yeah, Money O is back....
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