Monday, November 2, 2009

Colston continues to put a clown suit on Marshall

Cedric Benson has scored 53pts in 3 starts fror NYC.  Colston has scored 45 (including 10 at half-time on Monday Night).   Marshall has scored 24pts in 3 starts  Felix has scored 6.  Clown suits for Zuc and Raud!

Saturday, October 17, 2009

C'mon Mike....

This story is so funny!!! Darn Mike.......

Seriously, WTF?!?!?!?!?!?!

I'm posting this only because this is the about the stupidest thing I've heard in a long time.  I somehow managed to avoid this story for 4 days, while being buried at work and I am grateful....

Thursday, October 8, 2009

NYC Welcomes Cedric Benson and Marquis Colston

Jersey Jackers gave up: Benson, Cedric CIN RB Colston, Marques NOS WR Year 2010 Round 3 Draft Pick from Jersey Jackers New York Clients gave up: Jones, Felix DAL RB Marshall, Brandon DEN WR Year 2010 Round 1 Draft Pick from New York Clients

Client's GM Money O had this to say, "I'm honestly sad to see Brandon go.  He was the only person around here who seemed like he could relate to me"  The Clients really struggled with the decision to send their top pick in this year's draft packing.  In exchange NYC brings Cedric Benson who has looked really sharp thus far.  Benson is also one of the few runners in the entire league not involved in a RBBC situation.  Benson should shore up a NYC running game that has been unreliable during the first 1/3 of the season.  Also in the deal is Marquis Colston, the player who caused so much tension on draft day between Imperial, Honolulu and Jersey.  Colston has been sub par this year, held to just two catches by Revis Island in his last game.  However as the season gets tighter I expect Brees to spend more time looking for Colston.  NYC would also like to say goodbye to Felix Jones who filled in nicely before getting injured in his one appearance.  The deal also includes a swap of draft picks in next year's draft.

With Colson on a bye and Benson playing the Ravens, don't expect this deal to look great for NYC after one Sunday

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

FAAZoools Standings and Week 5 Lines

Week 5 Lines

New York -6.5
Imperial -7.5
Sewickley -12
Pittsburgh -4
Albany -6
Mt. Lebanon
Henderson -8

Sunday, October 4, 2009

I love when Ray Lewis gets that crazy look on his face after a loss.  If I lived with him I would definitely get a hotel for myself on the nights when Baltimore loses. HA!

Saturday, October 3, 2009

FAAZoools Standings

After 3 weeks of FAAzoools NYC is out in front with over 18,000.  Imperial, Mt. Lebo, Albany and Tokyo are also in the positive through 3 weeks.  Jersey has dropped nearly 40% of his stack and could be the first FAA owner in history to have to call on "Cousin Vinny" for a FAAZoool loan.

Monday, September 28, 2009

Henderson RACES out to a lead in the West

FAASPN  Henderson, NV.   The Hitmen and owner Rob Henderson (Pictured Above) have literally raced out to the front of the pack in the West.  NYC has him in their sites.  "We are leaving for Nevada tonight.  A few days in Vegas and then it becomes official business in Henderson", said Orlando Hampton.  The Clients are playing for a share of first place in the West just a few days after the entire league was rushing to write their obituary.  "We scored the most points in the league this week, but frankly we are used to that.  Its time for us to string together a few wins which is something else we are used to doing around here"

Stay tuned to FAASPN all week.  "Its a 5-Star Matchup, because WE'RE IN IT", said Fat O

Sunday, September 27, 2009

NYC First Alert $99.99 (£69.99)

Just in time for division play The New York Clients would like to announce the release of NYC First Alert.  If you are following the live scoring of the FAA and the Clients start to wear you out, we need to know if you are just depressed or if you actually are injured.  "Frankly, I didn't truly understand the need for this product.  I have been in Vegas the past two weeks and just assumed the chatter was consistent from all teams.  I was shocked this week when Carcamo completely disappeared before half-time of the 1pm games.", said Orlando Hampton.

NYC First Alert will immediately notify the entire FAA that you are still okay via email.  Steve Wagner had this to say, "I know Carc loves to talk a big game and he may have even believed his own garbage about NYC going 0-3.  I was scared to DEATH when he dropped off of email today.  Nothing gives you peace of mind like NYC First Alert!"

Call NOW!!!!

422-684-3887 or dial I CANT GET UP

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Hate It or Love It! Still the Game of the Week

Who Runs This Town?

The Battle for the Badge

While Erick Carcamo and Orlando Hampton were armed with matching appetites for hard work and relentless desire, even they couldn't have imagined how fully destiny would play out their wildest fantasy. Back when Erick was growing up in the streets of Newark NJ and Orlando in Wilkinsburg PA they would pretend to coach their own professional football teams. They were always trying to run things in their neighborhoods say childhood friends. They weren’t one of those kids that would just sit back and wait for someone to come up with an idea, they always had one. Years later when they were both living in neighboring towns  they met and created a close bond between them. They would challenge each other and learned from each other enough to expand their territories from Pitt to Johnstown and Altoona, from Charleroi to Oil City they were running things tight. No one would mess with them during those days, these guys knew their stuff and what they didn’t O’ let Carc make it up and try and sell it anyway.

Over the next couple of years the two maintained a close relationship even as they moved across the globe. These guys had no fear where they went, O’ went to San Fran, NY, Delaware and DC. Carc went to Philly, India and the Philippines, these guys were conquering new lands and everything was fair game including the ladies in every port. The globe simply became smaller for them.  Unfortunately, during O’ tenure in NY a heated rivalry grew amongst these two regarding the water ways between NY and NJ. Steve Wagner a close friend and sweater vest dealer says, these guys began squabbling over everything, waterways, subways, buses, cabs and even bridges…anything that touched ground on both sides of the river was up for grabs. Capt. Kirk another long time friend who has a split personality called MASON says these two  mofo’s used to share the same stadium I don’t know where it went wrong??

It wasn’t until 2 years ago when these friends turned rivals began slapping around a little known territory up northern NY called Albany did they decide to call a truce. Since then when these two play each other there is such hype that they get more tail gators at their games than all other 5 games combined that week.

The two teams meet on the field again Sunday where they will be once again playing for the NY/NJ Port Authority Badge that has become the unofficial logo for this game.  The winning team will retain the badge until kick-off of their next meeting.  "The Badge is what matters to me, he can have the slogans and logos.  When we have the badge then we will all know who runs this town", said Carcamo.  "I'm not going to lie for the last few years I thought this was a regular NYPD badge that gave me license to just whoop on Carc's a$$ whenever I felt like it, but the symbolic nature of it is pretty cool.  I THINK I'LL KEEP IT ON SUNDAY", said "Coach O".  

Tune in this Sunday to find out, Who runs this town.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

FAAZoools Standings

Another big week of FAAzoools in the FAA.  Our big winner this week was Imperial and Wags also takes the league for largest FAAzoool balance.  Mt. Lebo was the big loser and both he and Sewickley could be our first participants to be forced to hit up "Cousin Vinny" for a FAAzoool loan in the next few weeks.   4 of 9 owners are positive for the season and the Casino is winning big.  No one hit the SPECIAL PARLAY, though Norfolk correctly predicted 5 of 6 games (however he bet no FAAzoools on the special anyway).  Next week the SPECIAL PARLAY will return with even better odds.

Friday, September 18, 2009

Week 2 FAAzoools Wagered by Team

For our 2nd week of FAAzoool wagers one trend holds true.  Nobody bets like Bob!  For the second week in a row Drummond is the biggest wagerer, plopping down 11,000 FAAzoools including a whopping 1,000 FAAzoools on the 6-Game Parlay Special.  If you didn't bet the special or simply forgot to, simply email the entire list before kick-off on Sunday and FAA will accept your wager.

The runaway favorite team in terms of FAAzools this week is Jersey over Honolulu (8,377 - 100).  All the favorites have the FAAzoools behind them with the exception of NYC.  The FAAzoools are on ALBANY!  In an interesting note ALL CENTRAL teams put their FAAzoools on Albany.  You get the sense that the Central is tired of being the doormat of the entire FAA. In a weird way all of the riddicule of the Central has made them far and away the most cohesive division in the FAA.  I get the sense that the EAST and WEST guys root against their division mates every week.  I for one KNOW that I do!  There also could be a belief that NYC's connection to the Sportsbook is being questioned by the bettors.  Perhaps there is an argument that NYC simply SHOULD NOT be the favorite. Worth looking into...  and we will certainly see what happens on the field.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Shocking Surveillance Video

FAA TMZ  New York    Its been well d    FAA TMZ  New York It has been widely reported that the Rabid Ghosts came into New York and got a win this past weekend.  The story that has gone untold until now is Zuc's night on the town Saturday in Manhattan.  FAA TMZ secured these photos of Zuc at a well known Gay  Gentlemen's club for Gentlemen.  So far Zuc has had no comment, but we did hear from Fat O, Offensive Coordinator of the NY Clients, "Negroe Puhlease, Zuc is a beyotch!  What do you think we have been talking about for the past 3 months.  You are surprised by this??? You have to let a h@e be a h@e!"

FAAZools Behind the Scenes

It's funny seeing the best come in every week.  Particularly the people who make a best so strange that they feel compelled to explain it to me, or the folks that apologize for betting against me.  The most interesting by far is Albany.  Not only does Raud make his picks but even with no one on the message but me he still doesn't go out of character.  Instead he continues insulting the other teams. HA!!  Classic Raud!!!  Here are his bets this week (Memo to Zuc:  I removed the amounts he didn't actually bet X on every game)

X on pittsburgh
X on Sew-Weak-as_ lelie
X Honu
X on the patroons
X on Quiptown
X on Lebo to break the surface

FAAzools Sneak Peak

Tokyo PICK  2,000
Pittsburgh PICK  2,800
Sewickley -7.5  4,000
Norfolk  2,425
Honolulu  -  
Jersey -8.5  6,977
New York -6.5  4,500
Albany  3,500
Henderson -2.5  5,700
Aliquippa  1,501
Mt. Lebanon  3,000
Imperial -5.5  3,050

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Week 2 Official FAAzools Lines

The Official FAAzools lines are below for week 2.  Bob Drummond risked the money and won the most last week, however WAGs is leading in the Fazool totals with 15,200 coming into week 2.  Last week was our first ever week and the amount bet per game was widely variable.  The average wager for the week was 4,900 Fazools.  Bob was the big spender wagering all 10,000 of his Fazools.  Rod was "Toe In the Water Tom" wagering only 1,400 Fazools in week 1.  To add insult to injury Rod was the most successful bettor (4-1-1).  Another funny note is that the most excited owner about Fazools (Zuc) was the second stingiest bettor (1,700) and far and away the least successful (0-5-1).
This week we are adding a special Parlay wager.  If you choose to participate you have the option of placing a wager on your ability to select all 6 games correctly.  The payout for this wager is 40-1.  In your email please specify the amount you are wagering on the "Special Parlay".  My bets are below.  I'm also wagering 50 Fazools on the Special Parlay

 New York
Balance  12,000
Tokyo PICK  500
Pittsburgh PICK
Sewickley -7.5  500
Jersey -8.5  1,000
New York -6.5  2,500
Henderson -2.5
Aliquippa  500
Mt. Lebanon  1,000
Imperial -5.5

Celebration Time in Albany!!!!!

FAASPN - Albany, New York    Today was the parade down main street for the Patroons after they stunned the FAA world by actually WINNING a game in the Tri-State Area vs. Jersey this past weekend.  Today's festivities included the Parade, the awarding of the key to the city to Drew Brees and a Gatorade Dunking for Raud.

Raud had this to say, "We are KILLING New York, even though we never beat them, with trash talk because we beat Jersey!  You see, we haven't beat New York, but we did beat Jersey, who also hasn't beat New York, however Jersey is playing Honolulu this week and though Honolulu has NOT beat NY they did play Imperial who hasn't beat NY but played against MT. Lebo who also hasn't beat NY but the thing is Mt. Lebo lost to Henderson who although he didn't beat NY he IS playing Aliquippa WHO BEAT NY!!!  Its obvious why we would be talking so much.  We beat the man who is playing the man, who played the man, who lost to the man, who beat the man, THAT BEAT NYC!!!"

By Raud's logic a win over NYC this weekend would mean that he has beat every team in the league twice already this year.  "Watch out FAA!!!!!!"

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Week 1 Official Lines and Predictions

Well, well, well.......  Happy Football Gentlemen!!  The FAA is back and stronger than ever.  We had another excellent draft day and now we are only hours away from the kickoff of the FAA season.  This year we are taking FAA Sportsbook to a whole new level.  This year we will be allowing all teams interested in participating in the FAZOOL SHOW.  Each team will start off with 10,000 Fazools and you have the ability to wager them in any game AGAINST the spread.  You only get 10,000 Fazools!  If you bet all 10,000 in week 1 and lose you are out of the running for a chance to win.  I may let you borrow a few Fazools from Cousin Carc, but you have no chance of winning the main prize once you dip into negative Fazools.  Please send me your Fazool wagers before Kick-off of tonight's game.  Thanks

Let's get it started
Mt. Lebanon -11 vs. Henderson
zzzzzzz.  Henderson has not even put together a starting lineup yet.  Best I can tell he hasn't logged into the site since the draft.  We will have to project his starters in order to make this prediction.  I’m projecting:  McNabb, MJD, Fred Taylor, Ocho, Roy Williams, Winslow, Vinatieri and Eagles DEF.  This lineup would have been a killer 3 years ago…  Lets talk about EXCITEMENT!  The Outlaws are coming into this game with one of the most talented teams in the FAA.  Even more impressive than the talent…  Mt. Lebo is AT .500!!!   A win puts Bob’s head above water and that is always a good sign for the good folks of Mt. Lebanon.  The rosters aren’t even close (Romo, Forte DeAngelo, Calvin Johnson, Boldin, Olsen, Elam and Steelers).  I like the Outlaws in a big way, give the points and start reading the bylaws to figure out how to vote Hendo out.  (O's Bet:  200 Fazools on Mt. Lebo)

Honolulu vs. Imperial -8
Bad blood anyone??  I won’t sit here and recount the draft day trade fiasco, we all know that has been covered in detail on blogs and websites across the league.  I look at Honolulu’s roster and I see Donald Brown and Ted Gin in the starting line-up and I just get nervous.  Perhaps Moreno will get the shot in his first game, I don’t know how much Brown will contribute in week 1.  If I was Ivan I might roll the dice with Harvin and Moreno this week.  For Imperial I don’t expect huge numbers out of Big Ben (Titans Secondary is tough).  I think LT could score 3TDs against Oakland.  Both Housh and Vincent Jackson are solid plays and Cooley could get in for a score as well.  The real fun in this game is when LT and Wags team up to fight Ivan and Michael Turner during the pre-game warm ups.  I say give the points and Imperial starts the season 1-0  (O's Bet:  200 Fazools on Imperial)

Tokyo vs. Norfolk -2
Tokyo was BAD last season.  Sorry, I should restate….Tokyo was HORRIBLE last season.  The Kamikazes forgot the first rule of being a Kamikaze last season (Take someone else with you!).  Chris took a lot of heat for selecting Kevin Smith with the opening pick and it looks like Smith has not worked his way into the starting line up over Jacobs or Brown.  Lee Evans makes his return to Tokyo alongside Randy Moss.  Of course this year Evans has the luxury of playing opposite TO in the NFL and play against more man-to-man coverage.  Also grabbing Antonio Gates is a huge pick up for Tokyo.  Norfolk is rolling the dice with Kurt Warner this year.  Trent Edwards doesn’t strike much fear in anyone as a back up.  Norfolk is currently “showing” McFadden (over Portis) and Gore with Welker and Holmes.  Both Braylon Edwards and Portis have found their way to the bench from last year’s team.  Will be interesting to see if Holmes and McFadden actually play.  Norfolk is the king of winning Ugly and Tokyo has been playing ugly.  I like Tokyo in this game though.  Take the points.  (O's Bet: 200 Fazools on Tokyo)

Sewickley -8 vs. Pittsburgh

The world champs open the season against one of the FAA’s perennial losers.  After the banner raising festivities all eyes will focus on how well the F-Bombs deal with prosperity.  On the other side of the ball everyone will focus on whether Pittsburgh will start a full roster.  Pittsburgh chose Jamal Lewis with his first pick but as of now his later round pick Reggie Bush is in the starting line-up.  You can’t help but like Peyton and Fitz but Addai is not a clear stud.  It still is not clear on what the split will be between he and Brown.  Steve Smith has a tough matchup in PHILLY but he may get chances if PHILLY is playing heavy against the run.  The Champs have quietly injected youth into their roster and are still very talented.  Aaron Rodgers, Ray Rice and DeSean Jackson all have young stud potential.  Reggie Wayne, Steven Jackson and Gonzo all have old stud history.  It is always hard to put it together but the F-Bombs have a chance to be the first Back-to-Back Champions in FAA history.  I like Sewickley but I think Pittsburgh will manage to cover. (O's Bet: 100 Fazools on PIT)

Aliquippa – 13.5 @ New York
“It’s a 5-Star match-up because WE are in it!”  That was the rallying cry for the Pittsburgh Steelers last year as they faced one of the toughest schedules in league history.  The same can be said of the New York Clients.  Every team wants a piece of the team that lapped the field in each of the past two regular seasons. 
This is the matchup Aliquippa has been looking forward to for 5 years.  It will be 6 years if he loses this one and goes with his standard, “Wait until NEXT year!”  The Ghosts come into the game with Chris Johnson (vs. Steelers), Slaton (who has struggled miserably against 3-4 teams) and the combo of Eddie Royal and Dwayne Bowe at WR.  It is possible that receiving corp could combine for 10pts.  Phillip Rivers is listed as the starter and he will have his hands full in Oakland, particularly when it will be so easy to run the ball against the Raiders.  Flacco has a super soft match up against KC and you wonder when he will EVER start if he doesn’t get the nod this week.  The Clients come into the game with all 5 Keepers in the line up for Week1.  Tom Brady is back and he is looking to light Buffalo up.  TO is ready to shine for his new team.  Marshall is ready to prove he is the SHOW in Denver.  Westbrook is back to prove that he is still the man, ditto for Willie Parker.  The Ravens DEF is out to prove that they are the top unit in the league and not the Steelers.  Seems like the entire Clients roster has a 1999 sized chip on their shoulder entering the season.  The interesting thing is whether they are crushed under the pressure of the chip or rather they rise to the equation.  NYC has lost 5 games in the last 2 years and is winning over 80% of their regular season contest.  In addition NYC is 2-0 against Zuc and the Ghosts.  This line is totally ridiculous.  I like NYC to win the game and you need to make a significant Fazools investment while taking the points.  (O's Bet: 2,500 Fazools on NYC)

Albany @ Jersey -9
Carc fired the first shot….  Midway through the draft on Sunday Carc looked over Albany’s roster and fired this blast, “I’m looking at Albany’s roster…. Has this guy selected any STARTERS??”  Looking at Albany’s bench he better hope the injury bugs hits the rest of the FAA before it hits his starters.  Brandon Jackson, Mendenhall, Lance Moore and Sidney Rice have the makings of a 26pt game all over them.  I like Brees and Andre Johnson.  Hines Ward has a tough match up, but Hightower and Grant just jump off the page from the starting RB spot.  Just hard to imagine Grant and Hightower beating out AP and Marion Barber.  In addition to the great backfield Jersey is lining Colston (Sorry Wags!) next to Roddy White.  Both of these guys have big play ability.  Consistency will be their big challenge.  The Titans really got after Big Ben last year and the Offensive Line for the Steelers has been leaking for a while now.   The Titans DEF could get Jersey off to a strong start.  I just can’t see Albany winning at Jersey with Tim Hightower in the backfield.  I’m laying the points and going with the Jackers.  (O's Bet 300 Fazools on Jersey)

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Colston? Welker? Housh? Ocho? The 5th WR picked in the 1st Round is coming for you

Sources: Marshall, Broncos talking

By Adam Schefter
Despite their stormy relationship, the Denver Broncos are now exploring the possibility of giving a contract extension to wide receiver Brandon Marshall, two league sources told ESPN's Adam Schefter on Wednesday.
The potential new deal would put Marshall's salary more in line with some of the game's other highly paid receivers.
Due to the fact he has been unable to get a long-term deal, Marshall has been clinging to the hopes that Denver would deal him. But now, in a new approach, the deal Denver might make is not for Marshall, but rather with Marshall.
The fact that they are even talking is an encouraging sign, sources said, and there is some optimism that a deal could be struck that could keep Marshall in Denver long term.

Aliquippa Morning Gazette

FAASPN - Aliquippa   Rabid Ghosts owner "Smooth Skin" is said to be outraged by a full page ad taken out in the Aliquippa Morning Gazette by the New York Clients.

The ad reads "Winless lifetime against New York.  Riding O's Jock All Off Season.  Memo to Zuc: Just... Quit"

The Clients are sparing no expense this year.  Its clearer than ever that in a down economy they are going for the jugular of the small market teams.  "We will be attacking franchises on and off the field all year long.  We have frankly been two humble in the past and this year there will be no restraints on what we do to get in the minds of our opponents", said Orlando Hampton.  Also, General Manager Money O had this to say, "Aliquippa are some straight beyotches period.  When I see him I slapping the $hit out of him period"

The Clients are 13.5pt underdogs at home against a team they have historically dominated.  This is the first time the Clients have been home dogs in the last 3 years, and they are supremely motivated.  Kickoff is tomorrow!

Are you ready for some football?

One freakin day until the start of the FAA season.  I have been all year for this thing to kick off.  Not only do I get the benefit of watching my hometown Steelers tee it up under the lights against the hated "towel stomping" Titans, but FAA players will be well represented.  I expect that Big Ben, Willie P, Hines and the Steelers DEF will be in starting line-ups.  In addition Chris Johnson, Titans DEF (maybe), Rob Bironas (maybe) could be on the field as well.  The primetime FAA matchup is between NYC RB Willie "Big Pimp" Parker and Aliquippa RB Chris Johnson.  The winner of this battle on Thursday night will give the leg up to their team's chances of locking up a week 1 victory.  Interesting note: Since the NFL has started the format of the Super Bowl Champ opening at home on Thursday, no visiting team has ever won the game.  That doesn't bode well for Johnson.  
Stupid fanball doesn't appear to detail the matchups on the Pick em site this year, so it will be even harder to pull together the lines and predictions (ugh!).  In any event we are going to go with the early line of the Rabid Ghosts being a 13.5pt favorite for this game.  Everyone has 10,000 Reese Bucks to wager (AKA: Fazoools).  I may just double up my Fazoool count by betting all 10,000 on NYC.  Would be great to get Zuc to wager all of his and be out of the money after 1 week.

Latest player updates

Not great news if you are an Outlaw

Anquan Boldin, WR ARI
News: The Arizona Republic reports Cardinals WR Anquan Boldin missed Monday's practice because of a hamstring pull, and he will likely be questionable for Sunday's season opener against the 49ers. "We'll see," coach Ken Whisenhunt said. "I know it's going to be tough to keep Anquan out of this game." Boldin missed the final two preseason games with the injury.
Analysis: Keep an eye on Boldin's status once the injury report is released Wednesday, but it would be surprising if he misses the first game. Still, he has dealt with hamstring problems in the past, and since he missed the first two preseason games, that could be an indication he might not play or be limited. We'll keep you posted when the Cardinals practice Wednesday.
Sounds like Flacco should get a shot at the KC Defense....

Philip Rivers, QB SD
News: Philip Rivers and the Chargers will face a division rival in Week 1 when they travel to Oakland to take on the Raiders. In two games against the Raiders last season, Rivers totaled 394 yards with four touchdowns and two interceptions.
Analysis: Rivers certainly knows the Raiders and the Raiders know him. The Raiders, despite all their issues, finished with the 10th best pass defense in the NFL last season. They allowed just 201.2 yards per game with 16 interceptions and 20 touchdowns allowed. They have one of the best defensive backs in the game in Nnamdi Asomugha and Rivers was intercepted twice while throwing just one touchdown at the Oakland Coliseum last year. He was held to 180 yards in that game. Rivers remains an elite Fantasy QB that you will want to start more often than not, but this specific matchup has us thinking of him more as a low-end No. 1 QB for Week 1. Start him or reserve him based upon your alternatives and the matchups they face.
Good news for Raud
Grant has been solid against BearsUpdated 9/8/09
Grant, Ryan RB GB
News: The last time Green Bay RB Ryan Grant carried the ball at Lambeau Field against the Chicago Bears, he put up 145 rushing yards and a touchdown last season. In two games in 2008, Grant totaled 206 rushing yards, 26 receiving yards and two total touchdowns. He has two career 100-yard games against the Bears defense.Analysis: Grant recorded his first 1,000-yard season (1,203) in 2008 and has totaled 100-plus yards in four of his last five home games, where the Packers play in Week 1. We all know the Bears have a very solid defense but they always have and Grant has ran over them anyway. He's worth using as a No. 2 Fantasy RB in all leagues in Week 1.

Monday, September 7, 2009

NY Clients 2009 Draft

FAASPN- Pittsburgh. The Clients left yesterday's draft at the All Star Grille feeling good about their team. The draft did not go as planned however. Orlando Hampton was on record as saying, "We need a youth movement. Our top players are getting up their in age. What Zuc (Slaton / Johnson) and Bob (Forte / McFadden) is our template". The Clients were all set to draft DeSean Jackson with their 10th pick coming into the draft and then pray for one of the top 4 TE's to fall into their laps at the 20th spot. Much to the surprise
of NYC Brandon Marshall was sitting there when their first pick came around (10 overall). Over the last two seasons Marshall has 206 catches and 2,500 yards receiving. In addition Denver is horrible this year and will be winging the ball every game trying to catch up. The FAA moral police that let this guy sit until the 10th pick haven't been so hard on someone since Phil Helle cut Randy Moss after he hit the cop with his car.

Less shocking than the availability of Marshall, but still surprising. At the 10th pick there was not one TE off the board and it looked like the Clients might also get one of their top TE prospects. That ended quickly when Aliquippa (Baby O) jumped on long-time Client Jason Witten with the 11th pick of the draft. Somehow though Dallas Clark was still standing at the 20th pick and now he is a Client. Amazingly at this point D-Jack had not been drafted. "We didn't want to take a chance not getting one of the top TE's and Clark was rated #4 on our board at the position". Sewickley ended the dream of a perfect draft scenario by snatching Jackson away from NYC 2 picks early in the 3rd round. With the 3rd pick NYC picked LenDale "Bagel" White and followed that pick up with Felix Jones in the 4th round. The Clients have no handcuffs at the RB position, but do have 4 productive backs going into the season.

The value picks continued with Derrick Mason in the 5th round (2008 Stats: 80 Recs; 1,037 yards), David Garrard in the 6th round (3,600 yds passing last season) and Mason Crosby in the 7th (6 - 50yd FGs last year)

NYC finished out the draft with 3WRs (Kevin Curtis, Michael Crabtree and Nate Washington).
"We would be happy to see any of those guys force their way into the starting line-up for us"

Other Draft Thoughts

  • It must have been gut wrenching for Tokyo to have the #1 pick this year and have to select Kevin Smith. Don't get me wrong Smith was solid last year, but picking the top RB on a winless team is not what we dream of with the first overall pick.
  • Speaking of Tokyo... I noticed he drafted Lee Evans again this year. I don't know if any single player has been drafted by the same team so many times. I truly associate Evans with Tokyo more than I do with Buffalo
  • I think WAGS made solid picks with Housh, V-Jack and Beanie Wells. However these guys could just as easily bust. Housh is the only guy with the strong pedigree and he is in a new situation. These are the three players he effectively got from his Boldin deal with Mt. Lebo. Its to early to evaluate this trade for Wags, but I think it has huge potential for Bob. Mt. Lebo has to be happier with adding Boldin as WR2 than they would have been of ending up with the same players Imperial selected
  • Hendo fields one of the most boring teams in the FAA every year. He went for some personality this year by snagging Ocho with his first pick and the lightning quick Sproles with his 3rd round selection. He then followed up with the most boring players he could have possibly drafted.... Julius Jones, Santana Moss, Patrick Crayton, Sanchez, Gage, Betts, Vinateiri. Hendo may be good (He might be terrible as well), but he darn sure won't be exciting.
  • I never realized Marshall was from Pittsburgh. He grew up do on Larimer avenue in East Liberty. Suddenly his antics are starting to make sense for me. PERSONAL: Marshall was chosen as an all-state selection and was named the Seminole County Utility Player of the Year at Lake Howell High School in Winter Park, Fla.... Accounted for 1,506 yards of total offense as a senior, gaining 1,056 yards through the air and 450 on the ground... Threw 11 touchdowns and also scored four defensively (two interception returns and two fumble returns)... Named MVP of the all-Central Florida game... Lettered in basketball and track three times... Won the Class 3A state triple-jump championship with a jump of 48-feet, six-and-three-quarter inches as a senior... Had another 48-foot jump to win the triple jump at the Golden South track and field event... An active member of the Kappa Psi fraternity and the group’s charity work... Working on a project to restore Larimer Park in Pittsburgh, where he resides... Restores vintage automobiles... Majored in liberal studies at Central Florida... Brandon Marshall was born on March 23, 1984, in Pittsburgh.

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Draft Day Quick Thoughts

FAASPN- Pittsburgh First off it is always great to get with the guys. I have to admit the FAA draft and season is like an adult christmas time for me. I'm not sure if I should be embarrassed by this, but I look forward to the start of the FAA/NFL season more than I look forward to almost any day all year. I beg of us to get together and do a draft in Vegas next year. Would be an absolute blast to get everyone together in one place.

Random Thoughts:

  • Pittsburgh's selection of Jamal Lewis with the 4th pick of the draft was probably the most shocking single moment of the draft. I thought Ivan may have reached at the 2nd pick for Knoshown Moreno, but the selection of Lewis was a shocker. I don't hate Lewis. He had over 1,200 yards combined last year on a team that absolutely everything went wrong for offensively. Having said that I just don't see why it is necessary to grab him with the 4th overall pick. I feel like PIT should have traded down if he really wanted Lewis
  • The debacle that was the Honolulu / Imperial trade will lead to in interesting matchup when these two teams meet on the field. Wags has been salivating over Colston for at least a month. He has been literally bursting with joy over the thought that he had locked Colston up by moving to #2. After looking at the deal though I don't doubt Ivan's concern that he wouldn't have got Moreno. Both Pierre Thomas and Jamal Lewis were selected before the 6th pick (Where WAGS selected Housh). I'm guessing that one of those guys could /would have selected Moreno. Its safe to say that Isimo went have gone Ape $hit if he would have lost out on his guy.
  • Carc really got after Albany for his lack of starters during the draft. I dug into this and I must admit it doesn't appear Raud had a strong draft. Here are his RBs
  1. Pierre Thomas
  2. Rashard Mendenhall
  3. Tim Hightower
  4. Brandon Jackson
  5. Marshawn Lynch
  6. Ryan Grant
I count one #1 RB (Lynch) who is suspended for 3 games
A forever hurt Grant
3 back-ups (Jackson, Hightower and Mendenhall)
Time Share with limited upside (Pierre Thomas)

When you factor in his WR's (AJ, Hines Ward, Lance Moore, Sydney Rice) and his TE (J. Carlson) one can only say WTF!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!