Thursday, September 17, 2009

Shocking Surveillance Video

FAA TMZ  New York    Its been well d    FAA TMZ  New York It has been widely reported that the Rabid Ghosts came into New York and got a win this past weekend.  The story that has gone untold until now is Zuc's night on the town Saturday in Manhattan.  FAA TMZ secured these photos of Zuc at a well known Gay  Gentlemen's club for Gentlemen.  So far Zuc has had no comment, but we did hear from Fat O, Offensive Coordinator of the NY Clients, "Negroe Puhlease, Zuc is a beyotch!  What do you think we have been talking about for the past 3 months.  You are surprised by this??? You have to let a h@e be a h@e!"

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