Friday, September 4, 2009

Random Thoughts Pre-Season Addition

  • This draft does not strike me as being particularly loaded and I'm surprised at the number of people trading UP in the draft. I felt the smart move all along was to trade down in this year's draft
  • Brandon Marshall could be a major bust if someone picks him early and he ends up getting suspended or a major boom if someone picks him late and he puts together a great season. Will be interesting to see who makes the reach.
  • Between Brady, Westbrook, Parker and TO the clients have had nearly no exposure in the pre-season and all are battling injury concerns. Will be interesting to see if NYC is back to business as usual for week one.
  • NYC is quite ready to battle Siv on the graphic front, but the Clients are stepping their marketing game up big time this year. In this down economy you have to do more than dominate you have to entertain as well. NYC has even reached an agreement to produce Albany's logo in exchange for a 25% split of the gate from Albany's home games, which are glorified viewing parties for NYC games on the jumbotron anyway.
  • I give the FAA draft about a 5% chance of starting right at 2pm EDT on September 6th. We should institute a 5 minute rule for picks in the first two rounds and 2 minutes beginning in round 3. The 15-20 minute stretches for some people to make picks is a buzz kill.
  • Make sure everyone is on some kind of chat. The conference line is brutal in a loud bar. This has been a problem in past years.
  • Neither PIT or Mt. Lebo have EVER made the playoffs. This HAS to end this year. Would be pretty funny if it was PIT who broke through instead of the Outlaws.

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